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2024 Focus for the GLC Youth Ministry:  Relational Enhancement

It is the desire of our GLC Youth Ministry to facilitate a spirit of comradery, and friendship amongst their peers by promoting feelings of trust, support, community, and a bond created by shared goals and experiences this year and beyond.  This level of relational enhancement also extends to the congregation at large.  Their 2024 goals will require  active GLC participation and support as our youth have planned a number of fundraisers to support a summer event at an amusement park, and an out of state educational trip to Washington, DC to tour Howard University and attend the National Museum of African American History and Culture.  Grantsmanship opportunities to support these endeavors will be explored as well as utilizing the GLC newsletter’s next edition to promote awareness.  Every attempt will be made to reach youth in and outside of GLC for participation i.e. youth from other churches as well as possible students from within our immediate neighborhood including South High School. It is also the goal of Julie Brice, Youth Facilitator to build a team of individuals that would be willing to work with the youth program as well.

Click here or the link below for the order form which represents the first in a series of dinner fundraisers to be held Sunday, April 28th. It is a critical first step toward empowering our youth by closing the relational gap and shaping their future. The deadline for submitting your first dinner order and pre-payment is Sunday, April 21st, no orders will be accepted after that date. Please see Julie Brice or Sequoyah Butler-Murphy with any questions and to place your order, or you may contact the church office. 


We thank you for your support.


Julie Brice, Youth Facilitator

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